Aarhus Tech hairdressing centre

Troldtekt, Klip og stil
: Thomas Mølvig, architect MAA

Aarhus Tech has completed a major upgrade of its buildings, including provision of a new hairdressing facility – the cut and style centre.

This building provides an attractive architectural setting for the school's hairdressing study programme. Each day the building is filled with around 150 energetic students who receive in-depth lessons and practical training in that special mix of creativity and craftsmanship which is required in hairdressing saloons.

The core of the building is based around a wide staircase that connects the two floors and also serves as a meeting area and viewing space for presentations. Students are taught in well-equipped classrooms, with glass walls facing the central area.

This uncomplicated design has created an open study environment where students, models and visitors can all meet. However, this openness, coupled with the constant noise of  equipment such as hair dryers, presented an acoustic challenge. The solution was to install Troldtekt panels on the ceilings of both floors.  Marianne Klitgaard Würtz, Study Programme Manager at Aarhus Tech, says: "The first thing that strikes when you enter the building is that it is silent. Even in the beginning when the large ground floor area had no furniture, there was no reverberation.”

"Once we moved in, the immediate feedback from students was very positive in relation to the sound level. Poor acoustics were a major problem in our previous facilities but here the teachers are very pleased to find they do not have to raise their voices in order to be heard by students at the back of the room."